
Thursday, 29 November 2018

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Being in the right place in the right time

This week we are learning to understand what being in the right place at the right time means. We are also coming up with some tips to help us stay in the right place at the right time.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Me and my netball team played our last game and we won that game. that was the final game which means that if we won then we would of came 1st which we did and my netball team got a bag of good things like chips an a netball and stuff like that.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

All About Me

 Hi My name is Kaia and I am a year 6 at Waitohu School. My favourite school subject is writing. I like to draw and play netball in my free time. And i am 10 years old. I like chicken pasta, it’s my favourite food. My favourite animal is a owl. And I like to watch tv and play on computers when i am tired. My dream is to be a silver fern when I get older. My favourite color is green.