
Monday 15 June 2020

Mum told George she was going to take him to the doggy park but little did he know she was actually going to take him to the vets to get an injection. They went past the doggy park and that's when George realised that they weren't going to the doggy park. George saw the vets coming up so he begged that his mum wasn't going to take him there. But what do you know they headed to the vets. He wasn't going to bark or anything cause he thought that if he was good mum wouldn't take him to the vets but that didn't work either. He didn't feel that good.

Mum didn't like taking him to the vet but he needed it. Mum grabbed his lead. “Come on george” it's normally really hard getting george out the car but he actually listened this time.
George thought it was time to put his brave hat on and be a good boy. So they walked in the door and waited until they called out his name. Since he was being really good mum brought him a treat to distract him from the needle. George walked up to the lady because he knew she was going to do it either way. Good boy she said and she poked the needle onto his furry back. He was so distracted eating his treat that he couldn't even feel the needle. Mum was so proud of George that she brought him another treat, after that they went home.


  1. Hey Kaia, my name is Maia.
    I like the way you told us what your mum said to trick him.
    This made me wonder why your Mum does not like going to the vet.
    Maybe next time you could add a label.
    Did George end up going to the doggy park or did he just go home after the vet?
    Keep up the great work Kaia.

  2. Hello Kaia

    I'm Lucas from Belfast School where I am a prefect. I read your blog post and I'm glad that George only needed an injection. Next time can you please add a photo of George. How big is George and what colour is he?
